

Learning RISC-V Assembly: Anyone Else?

I previously worked through the book (by one of my favorite tech authors – Jeff Duntemann) x64 Assembly Language Step-by-Step: Programming with Linux[^] There was a lot of build-up to read just to get to the meat. At least 100…

Messed Up Communication Messes Up Everything

Communication Is Core Challenge Of course, communication is at the root of all business challenges. We Can’t Be Sure What Other Is Thinking That’s because we never really know what the other person knows or thinks even though we may…

What Do Software Developers Actually Do?

What Do Software Developers Do? To get started with designing Software Solutions, I believe we need a simple, single line definition of what software developers do. This definition will serve as a foundation we will continually return to in this…

What Is a NextLevel Software Developer?

Excerpt from my upcoming book, The NextLevel Software Developer. What Do Software Developers Really Do? Just Write Code? I’ve worked in IT for thirty years, twenty-two of them as a Software Developer. I’ve noticed that most beginning Software Developers (and…